Friday, January 27, 2012

27 Jan 2012

WTH this picha totally covered by the uncute dark circles I have now, no idea wae however I sleep as earlier as I can, but they still don't go forever. Hmm maybe they like me !!

Bytheway finally I'm back from Ipoh,had so much fun there as I stayed there for almost one week haha.I used to be there in every holiday but feel like I less go there starting these few years...
Coz lapt replaces my cousins' role. HAHA kidding ^.^


I asked my sis for a 'only-jimui-date' ytd though I just back from Ipoh. My mind was like kept reminding me:" Heyy your sis will be going to Uni and you now have not much time to spend with her!!HURRY UP!!"

So my sis was good, didn't break the promise and finally off and go.
wth you have no idea how teh hardness to ask my sis out. (I begged and almost cried....)

TADDAAAA . muamua my lovely sister with my dress.
HAIYO chinese new year made me fat and finally I just cant put on any dresses...rawrrrr

Had dinner @Winter Warmer,and so unfortunately I lost my purse and comes to my WWmembercard lost too!WTH I'm WW's loyal customer, how can lost one !!
Should apply for a new one next time !!(swear *-*)

Her meal.

Her lovely sister, me. Even her friends always praise me on how I treat my sis good and I feel so proud of my attitude HAHA. 

  All Time Favourite >> Chesse Bake.

Wanted to have a movie but that stupid ticketseller so hekyanzeng,saying one by one the movies were sold out. I want report her next time !!rawwrrrr customer should be King or Queen ...

SO yea just a simple date with my sista, will blog tomorrow I guess coz noone ask me to out ,even my friends don't reply me text too walaoooooA

Tiok Boycott ?????!!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Hello & Happy Chinese New Year



到什么时候我才会有酱白 天啊想都不用想
不懂上辈子是做了什么错事,全家白白,只有我一个沦落到黑皮肤的地步 天啊


Pretty Cousins always *-*

 RAWRRRRRRR 这么黑是怎么一回事!!

合家团圆 开开心心 身体健康 万事如意 开心了龙龙
要结婚得快结婚 生个龙子当皇帝