Saturday, May 26, 2012

27 May 2012


只有那样我才能赶快远离那件蓝色的Apron , 哈哈
相反的 姐姐却是那种节省到实在不行的稀有品种,连我妈都快看不下去

哈哈 嗯一年也过了有一半,说真的也还蛮充实的
都怪同桌小姐Bigb 每天都要和我说八卦 请饶了我吧 (哈哈 )

这个月大概是我觉得过的最开心的 考试没什么温习可是所有人都以为我是最强的那个
好吧 虽然每次考试我都很青菜的度过 然后一副我了解 我明白 我不需要 的脸 都让身边的人误解我是那种暗暗拼的人 我也习惯了
哼 像是每次考试前我都说:“还好 没什么读”
接过考试出来竟然还是比其他朋友好那么一点点(是在要赞叹自己的天资吗 哈哈)
好吧 下次我会努力读书 然后让你们知道我真正有读书的样子是怎样的 (下下次好了)

啊啊啊啊啊 姐姐的大假也快到一半了 她要去上大学了就是说
天啊 我真的难以想象没了她的日子 姐姐这个词 在我心中真的有着无比的份量 大概重过奶妈的样子
倒水 拿衣服 开电脑 开灯 热东西 付钱   这些统统都是我附加在她身上的累赘
她去上大学以后,我应该都要自己做了吧 (天啊我的票票 TT)
要说一下真的 我姐,真的是全天下最好的! (大拇指)
虽然她有时是凶了点 就是在家的时候!超凶的 很多人都被她所谓有气质的脸给骗的 都以为我在欺负她 哼
可是真的还是要说一下 她虽然凶 可是还是凶得好漂亮 (哈哈。)
每次她凶我的时候 我都会碎碎念的说 ”你看你看 你现在越来越凶对我 哪里可以这样” 因为从小都是我在凶她啊 我接受不了突然要被压制在她的脚下真的
我不甘愿虽然 可是每次看到她凶凶的脸 真的好想偷笑
因为 她终于不会在那么容易被我欺负了 看吧我还是有良心的我很怕她被人欺负好吗

刚刚说 小事我都托她做
嗯,意思就是大事都是我来做的 无误
什么重大决定 都是我来想我来做得好吗
所以我真的开始替她离开我后的日子操心了  以后谁替你想那些做那些有的没的!!
我真的是个好妹妹不得不承认 哈哈哈哈 快笑翻

来说下未来好了 我的前途一片迷惘 天啊
之前很多人家问我以后要干什么 是要当模特吗
开玩笑 我站上去大概会跌倒吧 想说我从小平衡感真的很差 平时走路还会有扑街的可能性
然后我就答他们 没有啊,我想嫁个有钱人
哈哈哈 有些人还真的当真了 (就像我之前也常开玩笑说 接个有钱人应该是每个女孩的第一梦想)
说真的 我真的是开玩笑而已 有钱人一奶二奶三奶四奶真的太多了 我不懂要拍到哪里去

嗯 我其实很想要一份很有成就感的工作 小秘书职员那些都滚一边去吧
我自认对美术还有一点点欣赏态度(也就一点点吧 哈啊哈) 可是天杀的我就从小没有美术天分
就是说我都只会欣赏别人的有多好多好 可是给我一支笔画一幅画结果真的是不堪入目
因为这样 设计师已经远离我一大步 还是放弃好了 我真的没有先天不足 靠后天努力的耐心
怎么办 前途一片迷惘的感觉真的不好受

结论是 我想当编辑editor ,只是要当个成功的有那么容易吗
我不怕苦 就只怕看不到成功的尽头 而且我现在连开头也还没找到 天啊
我想出国学习别国人对这行业的态度 可是能吗
我想拿奖学金 不想爸妈替我出太多钱 因为将来是我的 不需要他们负责去帮我堆砌阶梯
好吧问题又来了 (妈呀) 奖学金有很多人要拿 是要等到什么时候才轮到我 相信我人家不会看你长得高就让你先的(开玩笑的啦啦啦啦啦)
好了 接下来花多点时间在想象未来好了 傻笑get out

说到身高 话说我的家人真的没有很高(哥 你看到了别打我 这是事实好吧)
哥哥们当然还是有长得高过我啦 可是真的只有那么一点点 找比例来算 我和姐姐长得很高
不懂为什么 家里的女孩长得确实比较高 是女孩哦 女人没有 我妈没有很高
很多人问我说 你怎么会长这么高? 吃什么吃什么?
我真么没有吃什么 能让我从来我真的不想一七零 我是一五零支持派
如果你不是一七零 你真的不懂那种 别人用‘长得也太高了吧’外加几个白眼的眼神看你
(还是说是因为 我平时翻朋友白眼的次数太多而造成的恶报 完全不管身高的事??)

时间好像不早了 该停了
我到底是吃错什么药 写了这么多
算了 哈哈啊啊啊

Thursday, May 17, 2012

17 May 2012

Had a hair cut few days ago, just felt like cutting again my fringe at salon to feel better.
(I cut it myself in the past few weeks, almost three times !!!) Pleased with my skill, but still feel like going to salon.. LOL coz holiday is coming and I WANT A BETTER SHAPE.

So wasting money of being a strict-hairlength-ruled school student, I went to salon at least once every month..

so big big fail la, I asked to have a 'cha bu duo' bang only then she gave me a very thin one,
T.T shocked when I raised my head and looking to the mirror.... wth why so thin one.

COUNT LERR, still having one more weeks to go for holidays and hope so it would be able to grow enough Thick .

Cant wait for my holidays!!!Will be having two weeks of holidays that I need not to worry about whether should I wake up earlier or not ,also to leave my books and model papers in the care of dusts. HAHAAAAAA dramas I'm coming!!!!!! miss me onottt

I think I won't have much time to hang out or spending time with family, gonna have a camp for at least 4 days staying in Ipoh. (And bad bad news I'm going to be a leader of a group, lol first time of being a group leader though I joined that camp for years, and may god bless me pleaseeeeeeeeeee)

1. Camp
2. Mother's / Father's Day Celebration
3. Brother IS BACK !!
4. Countless dramas are in my  awaiting list !! must buy two more boxes of tissues to get ready for.
5. Hell yeaaaa think for my future... =.=

BTW am taking Mathematics papers tomorrow that means I can have a movie session later.. yoohoooo
LASTLYYY kpop fans please take your notessss!!!
The latest girl group [Gangkiz] which is going to be released in this month, and I really cant wait for their songs >> Honey Honey, We became Gang( with T-ara).
ArGH So Hot I so like the girl saying :"1,2,3" in the beginning of this video, why can be so adorable and gorgeous !!!!

Monday, May 14, 2012

14 May 2012

Heyy exams !!
Cant believe that I'll be having first day of 1B exam tomorrow yet I'm still hitting my keyboard now.I used to blog one day before having english paper two test and this situation has come like this ::

sis : Ehhh not having exam tomorrow?? Why you are still using comp? NO NEED TO STUDY AR HUH
me : Haiya revise my english by chatting and blogging mah.. using proper english you don't disturb me 

LOL talking bout proper english, I read Chuckei's latest blog post about the typical Malaysian's accent and seriously I laugh-ed out loud too.Hmm seems everyone lives in Malaysia even for those international school students will get this accent easily,
I shocked when I was listening to a non-asian (okay had no idea which country he came from) who was wearing his school uniform ,talking to his friends around.Forgot what he spoke on that day, but I was truly surprised by his "....lah"

I kept amchio-ing without telling my sis coz it was just too unbelievable. And then that teenager who had stopped his conversation by using malaysian's accent, he closed his mouth, and I felt like " ERM WAS THAT AN ILLUSION OR WAT...? "

okay stop craps thing by here. Wanna talk something long gas again bout mummy's day.
no way i don't want moustache.

The actual Mummy's Day which should be celebrated on Sunday is gonna delay to a non-fixed date.Mum and sis wanted to go shopping but I refused to go along with them coz there're still tons of textbooks I haven't touch and I memorized none of them. Start from zero, I almost went crazy and I just simply asked them to go shopping and leave me and brother in home. Bro was having his off day yesterday.
(SEE!!! THE BUSY ONE HAS OFF DAY BUT STILL CANT MAKE IT THE MOTHER'S DAY..argh) heyy my exam is not the point.

Mum has been wanting fro years to celebrate some special days with  my second bro , so let us wait him came back all the way from Perth for his term break(or wat no idea) . SO we went through a very moody and nothing special mother's day ..
Count le better save my energy to plan another special mummy's day in coming holiday(everyone'll be gathered together yeehoooo) so start saving money now !!!

  ERMM since yesterday was indeed a disaster of mother's day, so bro asked to dine-in Pizza Hut today.Like a normal lunch lar, but just I was the only one who think this's a special thing which I so wanted to blog about. grrrrrrrr

ARGH prettiest mum. like always, just that she gained some weights in this month Oppsssss

This is gonna be my favourite picha of 2012!!
Lastly, wanna say thankyou to all you have done for us.. we truly appreciate it and we love you always.
mua mua mua mua

I swear I gonna blog about my official mother's day in June, ARGHH 

Friday, May 11, 2012

11 May 2012

Don't really wanna say  TIME FLIES but seriously it's the fact that I'm facing.
Just cant believe that it was just a moment like few days ago I'm preparing for my secondary school uniform, but now I'm already a Form 5 student, going to be graduated!!!!
CLAPPSS !! Btw I still wish time flies like a rocket, just don't slowing down please, and lead me to those days after SPM as soon as possible .
It's already May now and everyone'll be facing the 1B exam starting next week, Nervousssss!!!! Like everybody else, I don't really prepared myself like facing a proper exam, maybe just a lil bit more serious than 1A exam.. but I think still useless coz I was still having lots of question marks while teachers giving off tips.
It's like :
Teacher :Please focus on part @#$%^&*( , you could get 20% of marks if you scored this chapter...
Me : " ???_????" "what she's talking bout??"  "Is that part in our syllabus ???"

Tried my best to do a *chok* face but it looks like a stroke idiot more than chok person LOL

I was like a freaking lamnua student(yet I'm actually not the most freaking one) , BUT DUN WORRY!! I still have three days more HAHA. 
I felt so curious bout the scenario of yesterday three Form4 students were playing UNO infront of me while I'm busy doing my add math model papers in a cafe. I felt so upset WHY ARE THEY SO RELAX now coz the exam is just around the corner(not corner, is just infront of you) ,but they could still get a flying colous in a very enjoyable way??

Then most of us (means form5) should refer to all the notes and start doing infinity exercises which almost drove me crazy..... UNFAIRRRR.
Okay la just bow my head in silent mourning coz I used to do like that last year also HAHAAAAA
seriously form4 is so much simpler than form 5, form 5 is like WTH IS GOING ON??? WHY I FEEL LIKE I DIDN'T EVEN FIND THESE CHAPTERS' EXISTENCE ??

But I shouldn't already feel form5 is enough hard for me coz I'll be facing even more challenging life in the future!!! Calm down, keep it up.

Justin Bieber's latest song !!!!!-- boyfriend
I wasn't a Bieber fan but I'm so into this song AHHHH, seriously he does have a talented vocal but too bad he looks too baby face though he's actually 1 year old elder than me. * not my cup of tea * LOLx
Have you found that the scene of the hot girl dancing beside him looks quite weird?? It's like a 25 years old JIEJIE type hot girl is kau-ing a 17 years old teenager..

OK don't shoot me this's just personal opinion HEHE peace one

This song MADE MY DAY !!!! arghhhhh big lovee

Friday, May 4, 2012

Braces Diary, Processing.

Since this's another post blogging in a very suffering way, so I think I should use a prettier picha as the header first.
Coz there'll be lots of me with pale/sick looking face after this. LOL

 I have been saying here for almost  *thousands times* that I wanna wear on braces, since very long time ago. I got this mind when I was Form3, greeting so many people particularly girls wearing their braces, they don't have shine smiles that time though, but one thing that both of us have to admit is...THOSE WHO TOOK OFF THEIR BRACES NOW ARE SOSOSO HOT , EITHER LIPS OR TEETH.

FACT !!!!!

And the best example is my dearest Bigb ( nickname I gave on her since her FB name is BBHUI haha),
 Last week picha of her taken from me. Trust me, she's the ever one who got a perfect smile after wearing braces. I always complain on her : Why are you always having the same angle smile in every 100 times.

Means her smile angle is almost same, either LOL one or smiling one.
And she's actually the one who encouraged me to put on braces at the first, right before myself. HAHA

I went through THREE PERIOD OF TIME considering whether put on braces or not, and I got so many reasons supporting 'don't wear first' , and that's why I delayed my braces diary for so long time.

FIRST => I know most people think that I'm a very strong person, like the one who stands in front of a team including boys and girls, facing a cockroach and something like that. IN FACT, I'm such a coward of scaring any painful things or scary things.
Since my friend just revealed this secret of mine ytd, so I'm not gonna scare any explosion of my secret especially I'M A COWARD this fact.

I know you might be not trusting this saying: aiya kesi kesi one larhh. But seriously, tall people with smelly face doesn't mean that they're brave, and unfortunately I'm one of them OMG.

SECOND => After I being pursued and encouraged by Bigband the soul inside me,having the courage to face the dentist again ... I bravely asked my mum to let me wearing on braces, but ended up she refused it.
T.T She said that I still look cute with my *tiger tooth* coz I'm always the cutest one in her heart. *sweet die *I laughed everytime she gives me this answer and telling her that I really don't want be that cute and asking her permission to let me wearing on braces.
Hmmm, actually mum is the one who brings me all the way from home to the dental clinic at penang, so she's the priority I have to ask permission from.

Ended up she refused, so I just rubbed off my tears and acted like I gave up, BUT I NEVER GAVE UP hahaaa.

THIRD => I had proofed that NOTHING WILL BE IMPOSSIBLE IF YOU HAVE NEVER GAVE UP. So yea, I was like the tortoise keep climbing incessantly, and finally mum 'approved' it and tadaaaaa... I got to see my dentist again by just asking should I wear my braces or not?? (means just ask ,but not doing anything like pulling off tooth or what)

Since this's the third FAILED , so you should already know that I got a bad ending from that dentist again.
He said that I was not suitable to wear braces otherwise I'll look like SHAO NGA ZEN (哨牙珍) and being very ugly .


If you think that I would give up after this 3 fails then YOU'RE WRONG!!!

I don't really feel upset of the comments of dentist coz I thought in very positive plus logical thinking.. Fyi, my eldest brother had his braces treatment in the same dental clinic (the dental I just mentioned) yet my second brother and sister went to another clinic to wear braces and MAYBE that dentist thought I won't be wearing my braces in his clinic so he suggested me not to wear!!!

Ehhhhh very logical okay!!

So I made an appoinment in the dental clinic which my second brother and sister had worn their braces in February, after CNY , and guess what ??!! The nurse asked me to come on my appointment day, 30 April 2012.

There was 3 months more to go... means they had already fully booking in this three months and was not accepting any appointment only.


I finally went to the clinic and waited for almost 2 hours outside there, apparently it's a dental clinic which famous of their braces treatment coz I saw 85% customers are all wearing braces, paying visit monthly and this's also the reason why I had to wait for 3 months just to have my first check up.... 
Having the 8 rubbers between my teeth and was suffering from toothache wth so painnnnnnn!!!!!!!
BTW I got a good news from dentist saying that I don't need to pull off any tooth coz I already pulled off 4 of them few years ago. ( still in primary school and the ex-dentist asked me to pull off  4 of them)

Still remember I visited to that dental clinic every wednesday just to pull off my teeth and this situation maintained around 1 month!! 

IT WAS LIKE HELL HAVING THE RUBBER BETWEEN MY very closed-position teeth. I cant eat anything harder even pisang goreng and I only eat Osaka cakes, porridge , and swiss roll.

I thouhgt I could shun bian on diet one manatau the Osaka cakes and swiss rolls rich of butter & cream even put on more weights on me..... SPEECHLESS.

Girl period thing came. TTTTTTTTT
So a picha with very pale face and pimples is here. (lol I put on some pimple cream thought it won't be obvious but seems GF3 is having too good quality, but nvm let is be the evidence)

I swear that day ( tuesday, Labour day of 2012) was one of the most suffering day in my life ever, couldn't sleep and study at all so I just kept myself in a same body position, lying on bed.

Going to wear these rubbers for at least 1 month ,but luckily I already feel not that pain anymore otherwise everyday wiill be my hell day ....

God Bless ME PLEASE. Just hope everything goes well and painless.