Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Time Flies so fast..like A ROCKET

Hey guys !!*-* 
Time flies so fast and now only I realise that :" Gosh, I'm unofficially 17 years old now." Wondering when was my last time saying..."time flies so fast" since I don't really speak this word frequently.

Okay just ONE WORD : maleh I cant wait for my 17 years old birthday.Getting a driving license means so much for me, *freedom* is even important than being a heroine. haha kidding .

Oh, btw...why would I suddenly think about time really flies so fast heyy?? 
YES !!! HAIR ...

These were taken in last month, before ChineseNewYear I guess.(ignore my brother hahaa)
Hmm, and then I noticed a old album inside my lapt, with filename'2011'.
2011 doesn't seem strange for me,but....I really feel so"WTH" with my ex-hairstyle.

How could it change so much!!! T__T
Yea, I dyed my hair and I leave it long covering my face.I think it made me look mature and...prettier ??
SO.... scroll upward and REVIEW back my currently hairstyle(last month).


And wait, one more !!
 WTH behguai I had been recorded into 'longhair-blacklist' in school for so many years,around 3 years I guess.
Heyy I was still having a supermuchroom during Form1 okay.. !!

And I found out even one more which I think was actually the thickest ever.
Eldest brother used to ask me:"eh I don't have a motor license why are you wearing helmet? Car no needs helmet de oh."
Majority of my friends asked me to get a thinner hair cut coz they said I look better with it.And so I do, i guesssssss........

Feeling so weird coz I do I being so obedient of my schoolrules nowadays.. and apparently I'll be doing this good job until the end of my SPM!! mummy u should proud of me muamua.

#Random :> I spent so much on her birthday...ahhhhhhh

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